Specific weight:
Parquet floor 500/580 kg/m3. |
Resistance to wear:
Reproduction in thickness after 200 cycles in Navy Tape Wear Machine
for abrasion resistance. Test under load of 4,5 kg on abrasive supports
according to norm ASTM-C-2394 = 0,13 mm. |
Resistance to static punching - compressibility of 5,65%. |
Average 0,80% (NP-260). |
Bending flexibility = 33mm (UEAT c). The front side of a sample must
not show any cracks if applied onto a cylinder wich is 50 times bigger
than its thickness. |
Noise Reduction. Norme P669/1968 and
ISO-R-140: Low tones:
77 middle tones: 81; high tones: 79; sound insulation: approximately
40 db (1600 Hz up 4000 Hz) on cement screed of 10 cm 250 kg/m2 (NP-669)
0,07 kcal/m2 HºC. |
Thermal insulation, fire resistance:
M3, does not spread it, does not develop toxic gases. |
Chemical Features:
Rot-proof material, neither rodents nor insecrts attack this material,
chemically inert. |
Impact glue. |
Clean with a moistened cloth, never wet. After 2,3 or 4 years it is
recommendable to revarnish the floor. In order to do this the floor
needs to be sandpapered and cleaned thoroughly. |